

Gann Hydromette CH 17 - Sets
Gann Hydromette CH 17 - Set
We offer different sets of the Gann Hydromette CH 17:
All sets are available in the "Basic" or "Advanced" version.
Set 1, #3151:
- Gann Hydromette CH 17
- Impact electrode M 20 (Impact electrode M 20, #31003300)
- 10 spare tips each (16 and 23 mm) (je 10 Ersatzspitzen (16 und 23 mm))
- Measuring cable MK 8 (Gann measuring cable MK 8, #31006210)
- Connecting cable MK 26 (Gann connecting cable MK 26, #31016920)
- Test adapter wood moisture (Gann test adapter wood moisture, #31006070)
- Stand-by case BK 14-III (Bereitschaftskoffer BK 14-III)
- Micro SD memory card
Set 2, #3152:
- Gann Hydromette CH 17
- Impact electrode M 20 (Impact electrode M 20, #31003300)
- Pile-driving electrode M 18 (Ramming electrode M 18, #31003500)
- 10 spare tips each (16 mm, 23 mm, 40 mm and 60 mm) (je 10 Ersatzspitzen (16 mm, 23 mm, 40 mm und 60 mm))
- 10 electrode tips with Teflon insulation 60 mm (10 Elektrodenspitzen mit Teflonisolation 60 mm)
- Measuring cable MK 8 (Gann measuring cable MK 8, #31006210)
- Connecting cable MK 26 (Gann connecting cable MK 26, #31016920)
- Test adapter wood moisture (Gann test adapter wood moisture, #31006070)
- Stand-by case BK 14-III (Bereitschaftskoffer BK 14-III)
- Micro SD memory card
Set 3, #3153:
- Gann Hydromette CH 17
- Active electrode B 55 BL (Capacitive building moisture electrode B 55 BL, #31013755)
- Infrared electrode TF-IR BL, #31013100
- Impact electrode M 20 (Impact electrode M 20, #31003300)
- 10 spare tips each (16 and 23 mm) (je 10 Ersatzspitzen (16 und 23 mm))
- Pair of brush electrodes M 25-100 (Brush-electrode pair M 25-100, #31003740)
- Connecting cable MK 26 (Gann connecting cable MK 26, #31016920)
- Measuring cable MK 8 (Gann measuring cable MK 8, #31006210)
- Test adapter wood moisture (Gann test adapter wood moisture, #31006070)
- Test adapter building moisture (Prüfadapter Baufeuchte)
- Stand-by case BK 14-IV (Bereitschaftskoffer BK 14-IV)
- Micro SD memory card
Set 4, #3154:
- Gann Hydromette CH 17
- Active electrode B 55 BL (Capacitive building moisture electrode B 55 BL, #31013755)
- Infrared electrode TF-IR BL, #31013100
- TF-Stick 16 K-25 P (TF-Stick 16 K-25 P, #31003266)
- Impact electrode M 20 (Impact electrode M 20, #31003300)
- 10 spare tips each (16 and 23 mm) (je 10 Ersatzspitzen (16 und 23 mm))
- Pair of electrodes M 6 (Plug-in electrode pair M 6, #31003700)
- Flat electrode pair M 6-Bi 300 (Flach-Elektrodenpaar M 6-Bi 300)
- Pair of brush electrodes M 25-100 (Brush-electrode pair M 25-100, #31003740)
- Connecting cable MK 18 (Gann connecting cable MK 18, #31016720)
- Connecting cable MK 26 (Gann connecting cable MK 26, #31016920)
- Measuring cable MK 8 (Gann measuring cable MK 8, #31006210)
- Test adapter wood moisture (Gann test adapter wood moisture, #31006070)
- Test adapter building moisture (Prüfadapter Baufeuchte)
- Stand-by case BK 14-IV (Bereitschaftskoffer BK 14-IV)
- Micro SD memory card
Set 5, # 3155:
- Gann Hydromette CH 17
- Air velocity electrode LG-25 BL (Air velocity electrode LG-25 BL, #31013200)
- TF-Stick 16 K-25 M (TF-Stick 16 K-25 M, #31003264)
- Connecting cable MK 18 (Gann connecting cable MK 18, #31016720)
- Connecting cable MK 26 (Verbindungskabel MK 26)
- Stand-by case BK LG-II (Gann stand-by case BK 14-II, #31005062)
- Micro SD memory card