Water penetration tester - vertical for the wall
Water penetration tester - vertical for the wall
Single water penetration tester for vertical surfaces to determine water penetration according to Prof. Karsten (Wassereindringung nach Prof. Karsten). A test tube is attached to the building material with the help of the Plastellin. Now, depending on the time, the amount of water absorbed is measured. To stop the time, we recommend using the timer function of your smartphone.Instructions for water penetration tester (PDF, 0.8 MB) (Anleitung zu Wassereindringprüfer (PDF, 0,8 MB))
Please refer to the "Further information" tab
Instructions for water penetration tester (PDF, 0.8 MB)
(Anleitung zu Wassereindringprüfer (PDF, 0,8 MB))
External articles worth reading:
("What to watch out for with Karsten & Co?")
"Was ist bei Karsten & Co zu beachten?"
PDF-Download from www.wufi.de
To the article by Prof. Dr. Kozub (PDF Download)
(Zum Artikel von Prof. Dr. Kozub (PDF Download))
Evaluation software "Karsten 2.3 ellipsoid" (download XLSM file). Please note the article by Prof. Dr. Peter Kozub.
Instructions for water penetration tester (PDF, 0.8 MB)
(Anleitung zu Wassereindringprüfer (PDF, 0,8 MB))
External articles worth reading:
("What to watch out for with Karsten & Co?")
"Was ist bei Karsten & Co zu beachten?"
PDF-Download from www.wufi.de
In-depth information by Prof. Dr. Peter Kozub,, Cultural Studies
Institute for Conservation and Restoration Science (CICS) in Cologne:
Water absorption tester according to Karsten - New findings and new evaluation method (2020)(Wasseraufnahmeprüfer nach Karsten – Neue Erkenntnisse und neues Auswerteverfahren (2020))
To the article by Prof. Dr. Kozub (PDF Download)
(Zum Artikel von Prof. Dr. Kozub (PDF Download))
Evaluation software "Karsten 2.3 ellipsoid" (download XLSM file). Please note the article by Prof. Dr. Peter Kozub.

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