Concrete test hammer PCE-HT-75
Concrete test hammer PCE-HT-75
The concrete test hammer works according to the Schmidt principle. In addition to its main use in the building and construction sector, the simplest concrete test hammer to use is also used for other purposes in many other industries (e.g. for testing the winding hardness of products on a roll, ...).The test is always carried out with the same impact energy of 0.735 J. The initial kinetic rebound energy is specified as a measure of the concrete hardness / surface pressure or compressive strength (kg/cm² or converted to N/mm²) on the concrete test hammer. The quality of concrete is mainly assessed on the basis of its compressive strength, as this is directly decisive for the load-bearing behavior and durability of concrete structures. The concrete test hammer applies a significantly lower impact energy to the concrete, which is why it is particularly suitable for testing thin-walled elements up to a material thickness of 100 mm.
The compressive strength is designated by a sequence of letters and numbers. Example: B 25 means that this is normal concrete with a compressive strength of 25 N/mm². There are various intermediate values up to the highest strength class B 55, allowing you to classify concrete easily, quickly and accurately using the concrete tester. The concrete tester is always supplied factory-calibrated when ordered, but can also be optionally laboratory-calibrated (at extra cost) and equipped with an ISO test certificate / test certificate.
General information on measuring the compressive strength of concrete with the concrete test hammer
Compressive strength is generally understood to be the breaking strength measured under uniaxial, short-term compressive load. The compressive strength of concrete is essentially determined by the following influencing variables:
- Strength of the cement paste
- Composition and compaction of the concrete
- Age and storage conditions
- Test specimen shape and dimensions
- Load type and duration
The compressive strength is traditionally determined in the laboratory using concrete cubes or circular cylinders.
In the case of cylinders, it is advisable to apply the leveling layer, which is usually required to achieve a flat and smooth upper compression surface, immediately after smoothing off the excess concrete.Cylinders should harden upright.
As a hardness test using the laboratory method cannot be carried out in practice, the easy-to-use and relatively accurate concrete test hammer is used here. The compressive strength is determined by measuring the material hardness using the concrete test hammer (rebound value R) on the surface of the concrete and with the aid of the conversion table (on the back of the device) or taken from the table in the operating instructions.
- Robust measuring device
- Conversion table on the back
- Long service life- Impact energy of 0.735 J- Correction aid in the operating instructions- low weight
Download data sheet PCE-HT-75 (Download Datenblatt PCE-HT-75)
Download instructions PCE-HT-75 (Download Anleitung PCE-HT-75)
Nominal kinetic energy: 0735 J (0.735 Nm)
Adhesion of the measuring tip: 0.4 ... 0.6 N
Radius of the spherical tip: 25 mm ±1 mm
Average rebound value: 74 ±2
Elongation of the spring: 75 mm ±0.3 mm
Dimensions: Drm 54 x 268 mm
Weight: 1 kg
Download data sheet PCE-HT-75 (Download Datenblatt PCE-HT-75)
Download manual PCE-HT-75 (Download Anleitung PCE-HT-75)
Adhesion of the measuring tip: 0.4 ... 0.6 N
Radius of the spherical tip: 25 mm ±1 mm
Average rebound value: 74 ±2
Elongation of the spring: 75 mm ±0.3 mm
Dimensions: Drm 54 x 268 mm
Weight: 1 kg
Download data sheet PCE-HT-75 (Download Datenblatt PCE-HT-75)
Download manual PCE-HT-75 (Download Anleitung PCE-HT-75)