Saugnac Messgeräte
Saugnac Messgeräte
The company **Saugnac Messgeräte** specialises in the development and manufacture of precise instruments for measuring cracks, movements and deformations. It offers a wide range of mechanical and digital solutions for monitoring and analysing structural damage, which are primarily used in construction, geotechnical engineering and heritage conservation.

Main products
1. **Mechanical crack gauges**:
   - **G1 series**: Weather resistant gauges for indoor and outdoor applications. They measure the width and changes of cracks with an accuracy of up to 0.05 mm.
   - **G6 gauge**: Monitors movements on two axes (splay and shear) within one plane.
   - G3 gauge**: Especially suitable for measurements of misalignment and displacements between structures.

2. **Electronic measuring devices**:
   - **E1 Digital Crack Monitor**: Enables high-precision measurements with a resolution of 0.01 mm. It can be used for one- and two-axis tracking and offers the option of remote monitoring via an app.

3. 3-axis monitoring**:
   - Devices such as the **3Dim-Gauges** allow full measurement in three spatial dimensions and are suitable for more complex motion analyses.

4 **Software and accessories**:
   - The **Saugnac app** provides support for data evaluation, traceability and graphical representations of measurements.

The products are particularly robust and flexible, making them suitable for a wide range of environments. The company also offers accessories such as impact dowels, adhesives and protective devices to optimise the installation and use of the devices.